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Martin Tracey

Hybrid Mini-Conference: Registration Closing 1/8/25: "Albert the Great on Health, Disease, and Disability"

Please consider taking part in the hybrid mini-conference, "Albert the Great on Health, Disease, and Disability," organized by Professor Irven M. Resnick (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) and Professor Alexandra Cuffel (Ruhr University Bochum, CERES).

Date: January 13–14, 2025

Location: College for Social Sciences and Humanities, University Alliance Ruhr, Essen (offered in-person and online)

This conference will examine Albert's contributions to medieval understandings of health, disease, and disability, as well as their intersections with theology and natural philosophy.

Registration Process:

The deadline to register is January 8, 2025. Participants will indicate whether they plan to attend in person or virtually. All sessions will be accessible both on-site and online. Further details and the registration form can be found here:

Speakers and Their Presentations:

  • Professor Henryk Anzulewicz (Albertus-Magnus-Institut, Germany): "Albert the Great’s Approach to Medicine."

  • Dr. Mario Loconsole (University of Salento, Italy): "Healing Metals? Alchemy and Medicine as Arts for Recovering Bodily Substances."

  • Professor Görge Hasselhoff (TU Dortmund University, Germany): "Albert, the Rabbi, and the Balsam: On Some Strange Quotations."

  • Dr. Marilena Panarelli (University of Palermo, Italy): "The Notion of Complexional Form from Albert the Great’s De Vegetabilibus to Pharmacological Debates in the Medical School of Bologna."

  • Professor Alessandro Palazzo (University of Trento, Italy): "Albert the Great on Fevers and other Diseases."

  • Dr. Amalia Cerrito (University of Trento, Italy): "Diseases, Defects, and Anomalies in the Embryological Process: Albert the Great and Virtus Formativa."

  • Dr. Keagan Brewer (Independent Scholar, Australia): "Taking Care, Taking Control: Women's Health-Care in the German Vernacular Translations of Ps.-Albert's Secrets of Women."

  • Professor Irven M. Resnick (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA): "Animals as Natural Physicians and Sources of Health."

For additional information and to register, please visit the event website:

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